Project data
Building principal: Toho Tenax Europe GmbH
Construction site: Heinsberg, Germany
Planning: 02/2004 – 04/2006
Start of construction: 11/2004
Commissioning: 08/2006
Object and open space design (§15 LPH 1-9)
Structure planning (§64 LPH 1-6)
Building technology (§73 LPH 1-9)
Fire prevention concept
PTI Project management
M. Eng. Heinz-Werner Schwarz
The Toho Tenax Europe GmbH belongs to the Japanese Toho Tenax group and is the most important manufacturer of carbon fibers in Europe. In order to meet the requests of the worldwide increasing need of high-performance carbon fibers, Toho Tenax GmbH decided to build a new production line in the location of Oberbruch, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. One challenge of this comprehensive project was the relatively tight schedule. As of August 2006, the plant should provide further 1,500 t of carbon fibers per year for the continuously increasing market. From basic to detail engineering, Siemens AG received the total planning order. In February 2004, PTI AG was involved as subcontractor with the order of performing the general planning of construction and building technology. The new production site consists of several building components over a length of about 200 m and a width of 20 m.