October 2023
Certification according to DIN ISO 9001
Following extensive audits, PTI AG received certification of its process-oriented quality management system according to the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard from the TÜV Hessen certification body on 6th October 2023.
January 2023
“Many people currently want heat pumps to keep heating costs under control. Lemberg-based PTI AG has gone one step further and has been heating with a geothermal heat pump since October.
Board member Andreas Albert had acted immediately with the start of the war in Ukraine. Currently, such plants are not available until 2024.”
© Article & photo: Klaus Kadel-Magin, 4 January 2023
November 2022
“What a great company we are.”
The picture shows the team of our PTI AG in Lemberg. With the team of Andreas Albert and Heinz-Werner Schwarz, the working world designer Stefan Diez from Winnweiler recently spent an intensive workshop day in the Southwest Palatinate.
We wanted to find out how employees see their employer, PTI AG. What likes? What bothers? What is particularly good about us? What makes us different from other employers?
October 2022
Progressing work on the geothermal heat pump
The pipes were filled and the boreholes hidden. The whole thing has been levelled and the distribution shaft is sitting in place. Work on the buffer storage tank is in full swing. Inside, the heat pump is mounted and connected. Soon, the operation of the heat pump can start.
August 2022
Drilling continues – the next 90 m (295 ft) deep well (number 3 of 5) for the geothermal heat pump is coming up!
August 2022
PTI AG makes itself independent
In order to be able to do without gas in the future, PTI AG is making itself independent of fossil fuels and installing a geothermal heat pump. It is planned that the geothermal heat pump will start its operation at the end of September, beginning of October 2022.
For the installation, 5 boreholes of 90 metres depth each are necessary. The video documents the first borehole from 10 August 2022.
PTI AG celebrates its 20th anniversary
We would have loved to celebrate it together with our employees and customers if the times had not been as they currently are.
Exactly 20 years ago, on December 14, 2000, our company was founded. We feel extremely proud and humble to see what we achieved during these years. We feel extremely proud and humble to see what we achieved during these years …
October 2020
BASF granted us the order to contribute substantially to the planning of the supporting components of the new acetylene plant at the site of Ludwigshafen, Germany.
Now the time has come that BASF puts its new acetylene plant into operation starting the production with a capacity of 90,000 t per year. The plant is a milestone for the Verbund site of Ludwigshafen. About 20 factories on site use acetylene as chemical components that can be used in various ways.
September 2018
Since mid-2016, we plan support structures, foundations, and base plates for BASF according to the Water Resources Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz, WHG) for parts of the new acetylene plant at the site of Ludwigshafen.
With a capacity of 90,000 t per year, the plant should make sure that this most important element for many products in daily life is produced and stored in sufficient quantities.
To get an insight into the first part of a video series of BASF about the entire project, please visit